Release the Stress does long distant energy healing sessions and supports Tong Ren . Tong Ren can be done in person for clients, along with body work, or distantly. The results of an "in person" Tong Ren healing is the same as "distant" Tong Ren healing.
Distant energy healing can effectively be done, at the same time with groups of people, in all parts of the world. These sessions help people at all levels of healing- mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Vicki uses the proven successful Tong Ren method, which was developed by Tom Tam, to help stimulate your energy bodies, bringing balance, harmony, and peace to you, using the acupuncture meridians. Tom Tam and others have helped people effected by cancer with this.
To understand how distant energy healing can work, it helps to understand how people use prayer to successfully help others heal. Scientific studies have shown that prayer can positively affect the health of a sick person even when the sick person did not know they were being prayed for and did not personally know the person who was doing the praying. When Vicki helps the energy transmit long distance, with Tong Ren, the process is working similarly except more specific frequencies and intentions are directed to the person wanting the healing.
Although one session may produce dramatic results, multiple sessions can deepen the energy work and get to the deep-seated core problems. If a person has been energetically imbalanced and has carried the problems for many years, it can take time to release these issues. Healing is a process where many layers are uncovered in a set sequence of order.
These Tong Ren sessions will help clear and balance your acupuncture meridians so your body and mind can be freed, and the body can begin to heal itself- which is how it was created to function.
Notice the subtle changes that occur following your sessions. Check to see if you have become more focused, intuitive, creative, more at peace, and can sleep better than ever before.
You can easily learn Tong Ren to help a loved one in need (addictions, illnesses, mental & emotional problems, financial, accidents/surgeries etc).
You Can Create Your Intentions Easy Now
Did you happen to notice that you are not the same you that you were yesterday? Has it been easier to shrug off your old programs and out-moded beliefs today? If you haven't noticed, maybe it is simply because it didn't occur to you to pay attention. Take a moment to playfully consider the following: What beliefs did you hold yesterday-- last week, last month, last year-- that are simply untrue to you today? What default programs have you been running that limit the truth of who you are? Did you believe it was unsafe to be yourself, to share your light with the world? What if today you awakened to realize that you had effortlessly dropped yesterday's unserving beliefs and you are free to be your divinely human self? Did you believe it had to be hard work? Maybe in the past, but what if now it's a piece of cake, as simple as asking a question or stating an intention?
Good news, it is! Yesterday the Golden Dolphins shared a powerful and hopeful message, The New Christos Human is Being Born as We Speak.
"Dear ones, in this new moon frequency that is permeating your planet, we come to you in great joy to share a message of extreme importance. We choose this day especially because of the new beginning that it announces. It is indeed a new beginning for humanity and all the sentient beings on earth. You ask what it is about which we convey, and we say that it is about you, the new Christos human that is being born as we speak.
There is a new beginning in the awareness of you that is the integration of your human and divine self. It begins today. The alignment of the planets, the alignment of the frequencies and the intention of each one of you has shifted exponentially toward this goal. It will be with more ease and grace that you will become aware of your human divinity. The path has been made smoother. All you need do is have the pure intention, and the quantum DNA field, that is you, will assist on this journey with ease and grace.
Obstacles have been present until now, but they have been removed. All you need do is have the pure intention, and we say that, with that pure intention, entering into the Golden Dolphin Quantum Field (unified crystalline field), the outcome will be assured. To do so in the collective consciousness is not assured. Do you understand? There are too many negative forces that wish to keep you in their vice in the collective consciousness. We are showing you little by little the way out. There is now a place to go. You have created it with your intention, and it is growing.
Within this new field are treasures beyond the capacity of the mind to conceive of. But as your remembering returns, all about which we speak will reappear in your awareness. The field is filled with quantum tools long ago used for enlightenment and then forgotten as the force of the collective grew around you. Shed that force. Walk into the light, and the remembering will return. It will return with ease and grace within the quantum field of the Golden Dolphins. We are there waiting to embrace you, to serve you, to honor you, For you are great masters of light, who have forgotten who you are.
So in closing, we say that today, a new beginning is available to all of humanity. Walk into the new field of enlightenment, the crystalline unified field and put on your mantle of gold. Be the divine human that is your birthright. Hold the staff of power and love and go forth to create the new earth. We walk with you, we glide with you in ease and grace."