Today I had a phone session with Amy ( not her real name to provide client privacy). Amy had been very bothered with her husband of many years and it was causing her much stress and anxiety. She said he had an explosive anger and had nothing but negative things to say when I asked her to describe him. This had caused her to be on edge. I could also intuitively tell that Amy did not feeling very good about herself, that she did not believe in herself or have much self-confidence- even though she ran her own business. At the end of the 20 minute session, it was evident that her husband no longer triggered her and that she was calm. She also sounded more content and rested. The importance of the session today, I feel, is that it helped her get back together with herself, so that she can think more clearly and with better focus. At least it gives her the energy and strength to handle the present and future dealings with her husband. Her intuition and her awareness for self nurturing has been sparked inside of her...self empowerment for every client is my goal with each session.
Have you ever heard anyone speak about 'Distant Healing', or "Energy Healing"? The practice of healing from a distance has become more well known and common in today's living, as more people seek natural or alternative routes for safer or effective ways to feeling better. The following is an article from the Huffington Post that describes what 'Distant Healing' is. "There is much written about how our good intentions help others. But can your good intentions really reach someone who is not physically present, and how do we know this? In this column, I will present the current evidence that discusses this phenomenon and provide some explanations as to why distant healing has a place in modern scientific thinking. I have to disagree with the last paragraph, as I have personally seen people who do not have expectations, beliefs, or faith in distant healing to still find success with having distant healing sessions.
Contact Vicki if you have any questions regarding distant healing. 4 Ways To Prevent Anxiety AttacksHaving anxiety attacks in Sacramento can make life challenging. You aren't alone in suffering from this debilitating occurrence. Many people face these unexpected incidences and seek help in getting anxiety attacks under control. While Dr Amen's technique, below, for reducing anxiety attacks may work for some people- Vicki Mah provides tools and sessions that many people around the world have followed and found to be easy and helpful for keeping anxiety attacks away. Contact her for more information. Daniel Amen, MD has written an article titled "4 Steps For Reducing Anxiety Attacks" and it is as follows: "A little bit of anxiety is actually good because it helps keep us safe and out of trouble (our brains are biologically wired to protect us). Unfortunately, there are millions of people suffering with anxiety symptoms all of the time and subsequently are wracked with nervousness, predicting the worst outcome to situations, avoiding risk or conflict, and have chronic muscle tension, among other symptoms.
Trying to end a relationship is usually difficult. Discovering that you have relationship addiction can feel similiar to a slow death.
In your mind, you know that you don't want him, or her, in your life anymore. You realize that he, or she, is not good for you- that being involved with this person almost always ends up being bit by a rat, or your having your heart torn apart and broken all over again....just after you mended it...again. Isn't it funny, well not really funny, how you know that you need to stay away from this person... but you just can't ? How did it end up getting this way? Why does this keep happening with the partners in my life? Why is it so hard to leave and say good-bye? And especially- why do I keep choosing the ones that mistreat me and why do I keep wanting to continue a relationship with them, when I know they aren't good for me?? Life may seem to you pretty complex and difficult, do you agree? Does it seem to you like you'll never have peace in your life- let alone have a peaceful, loving relationship? Is it hard for you to find the answers- even though you've read all of the latest or popular relationship books and spoke to many of your freinds for advice ? Most importantly- are you ready for a change ? If your answer is "yes", than you're in for a treat because no matter what you think and feel on the contrary- your relationship problem can be easily and quickly solved. And making that decision is the first step! Do not give up- no matter what you have read and learned, and no matter what you have tried to do to improve yourself - as you still find yourself in the same rut, with the same problems - your failures have not been through fault of your own. Do not blame your self, because you did't know any better and besides that, feeling sorry for yourself or blaming yourself, or another person will definately not improve your life- but carrying on as so- is a guarantee to make life worse. If you're interested in having a short session with me, Vicki Mah, over the phone - which will catapult you on your way out the door of your bad relationship, contact me- and I'll have you not wanting to go back- it's as easy as that! Send me a quick email here, with your phone number, and I will contact you usually within the hour - Try me- you'll be so glad you did! Sacramento stress relief and relationship date coaching. How to end a bad relationship. Relationship addiction. I recieved this email today and I hope it answers your questions.
"The End of Whatever By Geoffrey Hoppe We have arrived. We’re here at the time that has been prophesized for ages. It’s the end of the Mayan calendar cycle that began on August 11, 3114 BC and, according to many experts, ends on December 21, 2012. Adamus says it’s also the end of an old Atlantean era having to do with mental energies. It’s also the Winter Solstice – the end of the fall season, the darkest day of the year, and the beginning of winter. There is also a significant alignment of planets. The equator of the Milky Way galaxy and the path of the sun will cross each other at exactly 11:11 am GMT on December 21, 2012. Every year on the winter solstice, our sun has a Declination of -23.5 degrees, and a Right Ascension of 18 hours. But what makes the alignment of 2012 special is how this alignment occurs relative to very distant stars. On December 21, 2012, the alignment will be right along the plane of the entire galaxy. This precession of the equinoxes goes in a complete circle and happens only once every 26,000 years. So many cycles seem to be ending, and rebirthing. I don’t think there will ever be such a time of convergence and change in our lifetimes. And it’s here right now. I’m writing this article on December 18. In just a few short days the Crimson Circle is holding an End of Whatever celebration in Blackhawk, Colorado. We’ll have an afternoon of Adamus channels, a session with Norma Delaney and some talking with Linda and I. (You can tune in online beginning at 1:00 PM Mountain time. To register go to theCrimson Circle Store). Afterwards we’ll have a celebration dinner for the 80+ attendees there in person, and then some play time at the casino. The December 21 “End of the World” date has gotten a lot of publicity worldwide over the past several years. The New Age and spiritual communities have been talking about it for decades. And here it is, right in our face. Even as I am writing this article a news feature just came on television regarding the End of the World. I also saw a report that said 23% of Americans think the world will end in their lifetimes, and many of them think it will end on Friday. I have a sneaking feeling that there will be a lot of surprised and disappointed people on December 22, 2012 when they see that everything is pretty much the same as it was on December 20. The sun will still rise in the east and set in the west. There will be traffic jams, unpaid bills, the flu bug and last-minute Christmas shopping. (I know of at least one person who is not doing any Christmas shopping this year because they don’t think the planet will make it to December 25.) My concern is what happens after December 21, 2012. Many people will wake up on December 22 with a sense of depression and/or loss of hope because nothing happened on December 21. Tomorrow will be like yesterday. This is one of the current themes in the Adamus Freedom Series. We develop patterns and get into ruts, and then “hope” that some external force will intervene to break us out of prison. We hope for something – anything – to happen on December 21 and when it doesn’t, we feel one step deeper into our prisons. Even a robust earthquake on December 21 would put a “see-I-told-you-so” grin on our faces but when everything is pretty much the same as it was on December 20, we fall from hope. According to Adamus, there’s a 66% chance that nothing significant will happen on December 21. So on December 22 we’ll drag ourselves from bed, check the Internet news just in case something happened at the last minute, and then with a big sigh we’ll go about the same routine as we did on December 20. And then someone is sure to come up with the next “significant” date such as 3-13-13 or 2-20-2020. It will be another spiritual carrot-date, and another disappointment. Someone will have another grand prediction, and there will be another grand disappointment. In the meantime, many of those expecting something big to happen on December 21 will feel a sense of betrayal, both by their inner guidance and by their spiritual teachers. Some will totally drop out of their spiritual pursuit and perhaps even out of life. Others will hop over to the next spiritual whiz-bang phenomena. When oh when will we ever learn? Maybe, just maybe, some of us will realize that the specific date of December 21 isn’t nearly as important as the opportunity of a change that begins deep within each of us, personally and individually. I have no doubt that December 21 carries significant meaning and energy. I can feel it deep in my core this week. Something IS happening! But it’s not in the outer world. It’s a movement deep within each and every one of us. It’s not an external intervention. It’s an inner transformation. But so many will totally miss it because they continue to look outside of themselves. Post-December 21 there will be potentials like never before. There is the potential to realize and experience the greatest gift of all: Self Love. And the potential to integrate your aspects. There is the grand potential to allow your divinity to meld with your body and mind, into what Adamus calls the Body of Consciousness. Post-December 21 the rest of the world is going to be coping with major issues such as mental imbalance, lack of abundance, war and violence. There will be even more tragic events like we saw last week in the Sandy Hook School, Connecticut. You can almost count on it because of the tremendous mental pressures facing our societies. But you don’t need to get caught in it, nor do you want to. When you wake up on December 22 and realize that it’s just another day on planet Earth, take a deep breath instead of a deep sigh. Go inside yourself for a moment. Remember that you brought all of these energies of personal change into your life, and your life is in the process of making a huge shift into embodied, conscious spirit. Take a look at how far you’ve come these past 10 – 20 years, then thank yourself for making it (mostly) intact to the marker date of December 22. Put aside what’s going on in the outer world, and then get ready for a series of quantum transformations that begin to unfold in your life. You see, it never was about what was going to happen on December 21. It’s always been about what was going to happen AFTER this historic marker. Say this powerful statement daily to make a positive changes in yourself and in the world. Downloading Programs for our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke: My omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great, Great Central Sun I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great Central Sun I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Central Sun I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the physical Sun I Invoke my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. I invoke the full-gathered momentum of our 5th-Dimensional Planetary Cause of Divine Love and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to take command of this Activity of Light, which I AM Invoking on behalf of myself and every person on Earth. Beloved I AM Presence, download the following programs for each person in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the Highest Good for ALL concerned. In perfect Divine Order encode within each One’s DNA these patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. And I begin... Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Flawless Form. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise, Work, Relaxation, and Recreation Habits, and Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Clear Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth. (pause) The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these Solar programs every single day and continually delete anything in my thoughts, words, feelings, or actions that may conflict with these programs or prevent them from manifesting as a tangible reality in my life. These patterns which reflect the Earth’s New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love are now encoded within the Twelve Solar Strands of my 5th-Dimensional DNA and will manifest in my life creating the wonders of Divine Love and the Oneness of ALL Life. In deep Humility, Divine Love, and Gratitude I Decree, It is done. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM. This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included. Patricia Diane Cota-Robles ©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles Eckhart Tolle explains where do thoughts come from.
I have been listening to Diane's audio products every morning, night and throughout the day. They are transforming and helpful for living in today's changing times! TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE! presented by Patricia Cota-Robles January 29, 2012 Santa Clara, California Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Santa Clara Marriott 2700 Mission College Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054 (There will be a lunch break between 12:30 and 1:30. Lunch is on your own.) Please let people on your mailing list who live in or around Santa Clara, California know about this opportunity. Thank you! 2012 is going to be a year of wonder and awe, and together we are going to change the course of history. We have all been going through a purging process that has pushed to the surface everything in our lives that is not serving our highest good. This necessary cleansing process is often confusing and sometimes even overwhelming, but we have no other option than to walk through it. We are not being given the luxury of ignoring our dysfunctional relationships and our negative situations any longer. If we try to, more painful things surface to get our attention and to motivate us into action. This awakening process is being orchestrated by our God Selves, which is the Divinity within us that is always striving to move us forward in the Light. If we want the insanity to stop, we must remember who we are and why we are here. The good news is that we are not being given anything that we cannot handle, and we have everything we need within us to accomplish this facet of our awakening process quickly and relatively easily. We have just forgotten how to do this. It is time for us to realize that we are not our fragmented, fear-based human egos. We are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and we are powerful beyond our knowing. In this Free Seminar you will be reminded of the techniques that will allow you to clear the surfacing negativity quickly. You will also remember how easy it is to create the life you want. This seminar is a gift from my heart to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by. Limited space. To guarantee seating, please call to register now: Phone # 888-310-4488 If our seminar is not in your area, please help us add to the Light of the World by joining with us through our Global Online Radio Program. The information for the Radio Program is listed below. WEEKLY ON-LINE RADIO BROADCAST Awaken Your Divine Potential Host: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles The program airs on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time You may access the radio program directly from our website: Or you may go directly to our On-line server: STATION 1 After the radio show airs, it will be available through the archives at This is a commercial-free hour during which we join hearts with thousands of Lightworkers all over the planet. Together, we invoke the Company of Heaven to add to the Light of the world. As we share the sacred knowledge that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth, we remember who we are and how to fulfill our purpose and reason for being. |
AuthorVicki Archives
September 2018
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