The following is a chanelling found at I have cut and paste and printed it out to read often throughout the day, at morning, and before bed. It takes that much effort on my part to begin the automatic realization of the power that is already in me to create all of my desires, as we were brought up to forget that about us. If you are truly serious and tired of living in fear and worry, you would or should do the same.
Moving into Enlightenment by Archangel Michael Channelled through Natalie Glasson-7/02/11 Such a wealth of joy, love and devotion is being channelled into the Earth now, so many loving beings of light wish to be of service to those on the Earth who are willing and wanting to grow spiritually. I am among the many surging the light of the Creator into the Earth, I am Archangel Michael and I honor you now, for you and every person on the Earth are beautiful pearls glistening so brightly. On the Earth now many are seeking to move into enlightenment, to experience the light of the Creator around and within them more fully and to be at one with the Creator. Many people are focusing upon self discovery, they acknowledge from the beginning of their journey that they are more than they currently realize. To imagine themselves as the Creator may be overwhelming but there is a path to this realization that begins with the detection of your negative habits whether mental or physical, feeling comfortable in your own energy and understanding the skills that you naturally hold. This path of realization is also a path to enlightenment. Many people ask me to describe to them the meaning of enlightenment. Of course there are many opinions on the meaning of enlightenment but my view is that you receive enlightenment through your self discovery. When you realize in your day that you have been unkind or selfish, that is an aspect of enlightenment. When you then counteract this by expressing love and appreciation then you truly have experience enlightenment because you have learnt a lesson about yourself. You have realized a negative or non instructive part of yourself and have transformed it into the truth, into love and light. It is at that point of transformation that you are experiencing enlightenment. So we could explain enlightenment as a process of realizing, accepting truth and then manifesting the truth within your reality. Essentially you realize the habit and you realize the truth, you can see them side by side then with your mind you choose which energy is most appropriate, the truth or the habit. This is when your mind becomes an enlightened mind. You will see that you experience moments of enlightenment throughout your day, they are such precious moments. Eventually you will experience numerous moments of enlightenment in your reality and the love or transformational energy will be so powerful that it will overflow into your being and reality, the truth that you are discovering will anchor and you will feel it maintaining your natural balance, raising your energy vibration and enthusing your being with the life force energy of the Creator. You will feel that you are more enlightened than before and this is simply because you are realizing the truth of the Creator and your being. So moving into enlightenment is a process or path of realization, manifestation and transformation while being enlightened is to see, understand and live as the truth of the Creator. In many ways it is all a state of mind, because when the mind is open and free from toxins then the entire being is free to exist as light, love, truth and the presence of the Creator. When we view you on the Earth we, of course, see you as enlightened beings, then we see puffs of smoke around you, these can be thick or thin in appearance. The puffs of smoke are the illusions, fears and limitations that you hold onto, they are your creation because of your unenlightened mind, understanding of yourself and reality or your unwillingness to realize your truth. I know that all of you would say to me that you are completely willing to realize your truth, to be at one with the Creator and to exist as an enlightened being on the Earth. This is not always true, your soul is willing, but is your mind, your personality or your emotions? Most often it is your mind, the habits and attachments that you hold onto that mean that you are unwilling to become enlightened. You can pray as hard as you like to become enlightened but if your entire being isn’t willing to do so then enlightenment will not truly manifest. When I say your mind is unwilling I am speaking of your fears and doubts, these need to be recognized, placed alongside the truth and then you must choose which you wish to energize and manifest. Achieving this will allow your prayers to be answered because you are freeing yourself from all limitations and restrictions so that you may transform into your truth with ease. This is something that you can work on in your reality and throughout the day if you allow your mind to be observant of yourself and your thoughts. It can be tiring for your mind but you must enhance your focus of and on yourself, we could describe it as a spiritual awareness. We see the energy of the Creator within you so strongly and clearly, it is our wish for you to view yourself in this way also. If you could allow your mind to realize the immense light of the Creator that you hold naturally each day then your reality and thought process would change and you would begin to comprehend the wonderful spiritual potentials that are available to you. We, in the Angelic Kingdom constantly whisper into your ears that there is no need for you to suffer; you are such a beacon of light. We do not mind if you do not notice our words but wish you to know that we are always hear to support and love you. We send you a vibration of light that is able to activate your energy and dissolve limitations to view truth but this activation can only begin when you give your consent because of your free will. Our vibration of activation is akin to an intention, we view you as your truth and so we send this image or vibration of you as your essence to you as a healing, release and activation. At present you may not be able to remember your truth or the essence of your being, we help you by holding an image or vibration of you as your truth. Every moment of the day we send this to you, we speak to you openly telling you how loving, healed and wise you are. It is our constant mission to encourage you to take off your cloak of delusion and the glasses that limit your thoughts and understanding of yourself in order to accept the vibration of yourself which is true. We ask you now to give your consent to accept the vibration that your guides and the Angelic Kingdom send to you, knowing that as you open your mind to acceptance, you are opening your heart and being to receive our vibration of activation. Sit now for a moment and call your guides and the Angelic Kingdom to surround you, speak with them and say that you are ready to accept yourself as they see you and allow the vibration of light that they view you as to infuse and awaken within your being This can be very powerful, allow yourself the time and space to experience it fully. The main obstacle that will hold you back is fear; this is something that the Creator is asking all on the Earth to face up to now. It is time to conquer your fears and to move into enlightenment. Remember that fear is not true. For every fear you have or create you can create a positive energy, siltation or experience in your mind. You can then look at them side by side and choose which you wish to energize and manifest. It is this process that allows you to conquer your fears and to move into moments of enlightenment, accepting, and experiencing the truth and love of the Creator. If you wish you can adopt this focus into your reality, let yourself notice how it changes your outlook and the reality you experience. I am always hear to love and protect you, if you wish to go forward and accept the challenge of conquering your fears then call upon me to assist, guide and protect you at all times. With deep and eternal love, I am Archangel Michael
AuthorVicki Archives
September 2018
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